Sewsimple meets
Hemmers Itex
The podcast "Näher dran" by Sabine from SewSimple is about all the challenges related to sewing. Our marketing and design manager Franziska Hemmers is a guest on the SewSimple podcast.
Franziska and Sabine chat about sewing together. Be curious and look forward to episodes that will put you in a good mood just listening to them.
Be NEARER TO IT again and don't miss the new episode of the sewing podcast from Sabine. Franziska Hemmers is back as a guest and together we talk about new trends, fabrics, patterns and much more.
Have fun and be inspired ❤
- Folge 87: Musselin & Trendstoffe
- Folge 79: Stofftrends 2024, Seersucker & Co.
- Folge 73: Stofftrends und Trendstoffe
- Folge 61: Nähideen & Frühlings-Stoffe
- Folge 40: Näh-Ideen für Herbst & Winter – Stoffe, Trends ...
- Folge 29: “Ich packe meinen Koffer” – Nähen für die Reise
- Folge 20: Welcher sommerliche Stoff eignet sich wofür?
- Folge 17: Wie entstehen Stoffkollektionen?

On Sabine's blog from SewSimple you can find many more episodes of her podcast "Näher dran". Whether it's sewing neuroses, buttonhole panic or zipper fears: every topic is tackled here with a lot of fun and ease. In addition to Sabine's podcast, you can find great sewing patterns with sewing instructions and YouTube videos on her blog. With her online courses, Sabine shows how you can start sewing successfully and relaxed. Her sewing books inspire new sewing projects.