& Inspiration
Free patterns and sewing instructions for beginners and advanced sewers to download! Would you like to sew clothes for children or yourself? Or a decorative or accessory item? Then you've come to the right place: we have lots of ideas and provide you with a fabric suggestion from Hemmers Itex to go with the modern patterns!
Free patterns & sewing instructions
Get inspired and discover your new, free favorite pattern from #hemmersitexdiy
Last Minute DIY
A sweet duo
Étiquettes en tissu
Robe Hélène
Chemisier en mousseline
Robe courbée !
Pull col roulé Inge
Jupe bohème Steffi
Casquette Nordhorn
Chapeau Bob Guido
Pantalon ample Ella
Robe Birte
Oreiller en grains
Robe pour enfant Maren
Gilet Cindy
Gitti Ouest
Anorak Luka
Funny Bunny Bag
Free pattern for all bunny lovers
sewn gift for a child
Sewing instructions for a teddy bear
Sewing pattern cushion with an envelope closure
A Birthday cloud mobile gift
With easy sewing pattern
Take the right measures